Thursday, January 14, 2010

Edgar Cayce: Egypt and world history

("Sightings," Sci Fi Channel) Edgar Cayce gave the true age of the Sphinx, the ancient Egyptian monument. Authors John Anthony West, Robert Buaval, and Graham Hancock are featured.

The secret of the Sphinx and the pyramids of Giza may be hidden underneath the sand. These great monuments are products of the oldest civilization on the planet -- much older than people think. Thirteen thousand years ago, the Sphinx was frequently hit by waves and floods which came from the Mediterranean and the Nile. These covered the entire Nile Delta.

The Sphinx was often damaged by these floods. It was later repaired but in the process changed its shape and size. It is a Chimera [ki MEER ra] or hybrid creature. Over time it has had a female face, lion body, eagle wings, and a snake for a tail. It was built as a giant concrete sculpture. To solve the mystery, Egyptologists must (and already have) excavated the sites affected by those floods, which came after Ice Age melting.

The size of the stones in Egypt's pyramids does not what humans would use on a big project. They would work with smaller size blocks, as they do today. This indicates that they were built by or for larger beings, who may well have had a hand in their construction. The astronomical knowledge necessary for their alignment certainly exceeds what humans would have been capable of or found important without outside influence. The technology, work, religious practices, writing, and art all contribute to this conclusion.

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