Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Expanding with YoGA at the MoMA

I usually make an annual birthday pilgrimage to the Museum of Modern Art to check out the Waterlillies, parts of the Monet series that adorn freshman dorms and dentists' offices everywhere. I sit and gaze meditatively on the unfreakingbelievably gorgeous pinks and blues and greens and lavenders and the way the light hits and reflects and dives deep within the semi-illuminated waters.

So it felt spiritually natural to practice yoga on Saturday in the same airy, vaulted, light-filled building in an event co-hosted by Flavorpill and The Junior Associates of The Museum of Modern Art. Elena Brower, an Anusara yoga teacher and studio owner, taught the class in a sky-lit gallery underneath a suspended sculpture, Mobile Matrix, by Gabriel Orozco -- a 35-foot whale skeleton tattooed with tribal markings in pencil. Many colors of yoga mats striped the gray marble floor (more hues than a Monet!); 200-plus yogis filled the space. More>>

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