Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to Arrive at the Truth (Pt. I)

Based on Bhikkhu Bodhi translation of "With Canki" (MN 95)

Thus have I heard. Once the Buddha was wandering in the Kosalan country with a large Sangha [community of monastics]. Eventually he arrived at a Kosalan brahmin village named Opasada. There the Buddha stayed in the Gods' Grove [called that because offerings were made there to the "gods" presumed to be extraterrestrials or dryads], the Sala-tree Grove to the north of Opasada.

At that time the brahmin Canki [pronounced Chunky] was ruling over Opasada, a crown property abounding in living beings, rich in grasslands, woodlands, waterways, and grain, a royal endowment, a sacred grant given to him by King Pasenadi of Kosala.

The brahmin householders of Opasada heard: "The recluse Gautama, son of the Sakyans who went forth from a Sakyan clan, has been wandering in the country of the Videhans with a large Sangha. Now a good report of Master Gotama has been spread to this effect:

"'The Blessed One is accomplished, fully enlightened, perfect in true knowledge and conduct, sublime, knower of worlds, incomparable leader of persons to be tamed, teacher of humans and devas, enlightened, blessed. He declairs this world with its devas [demigods], its Maras [lit. "killers"], and its Brahmas [divinities], this generation with its recluses and brahmins, with its princes and its people, which he himself realized with direct knowledge.

"'He teaches the Dharma that is good in the beginning, middle, and end, in terms of meaning and phrasing, and he reveals the higher-life which is utterly perfect and pure.' Now it is good to see such enlightened ones (arahants)."

Then the brahmin householders of Opasada set forth in groups and bands heading north to the Gods' Grove, the Sala-tree Grove.

On that occassion the brahmin Canki had retired to the upper storey of his palace for his midday rest when he saw the brahmin householders setting forth to the Gods' Grove. He asked his minister: "Good minister, why are the brahmin householders of Opasada setting forth?"

"Sir, there is the recluse Gotama, the son of the Sakyans who went forth from a Sakyan clan, who has been wandering in the Kosalan country...(as above). They are going to see the Master Gautama."

"Then, good minister, go to them and tell them: 'Sirs, the brahmin Canki says this: "Please wait, sirs. The brahmin Canki will also go to see the recluse Gotama."'"

"Yes, sir," replied the minister.

At that time many brahmins from various states were staying at Opasada on some business or other. They heard: "The brahmin Canki, it is said, is going to see the recluse Gautama." They went to the brahmin Canki and asked him: "Sir, is it true that you are going to see the recluse Gautama?"

"So it is, sirs. I am going to see the recluse Gautama."

"Sir, do not go to see the recluse Gautama. It is not proper, Master Canki, for you to go see the recluse Gautama. Rather, it is proper for him to come see you. For you, sir, are well-born on both sides, of pure maternal and paternal descent seven generations back, unassailable and impeccable with respect to birth. Since that is so, Master Canki, it is not proper for you to go see him. Rather, it is proper for him to come see you.

"You, sir, are rich, with great wealth and great possessions. You, sir, are a master of the Three Vedas with their vocabularies, liturgy, phonology, and etymology, and the histories as the fifth. Skilled in philology and grammar, you are fully versed in natural philosophy and in the marks of a Great Man. You, sir, are handsome, comely, and graceful, possessing supreme beauty of complexion, with sublime beauty and sublime presence, remarkable to behold. You, sir, are virtuous, mature in virtue, possessing mature virtue.

"You, sir, are a good speaker with a good delivery: you speak words that are courteous, distinct, flawless, and communicate the meaning. You, sir, teach the teachers of many, and you teach the recitation of the hymns to 300 brahmin students. You, sir, are honored, respected, revered, venerated, and esteemed by King Pasanadi of Kosala.

"You, sir, are honored, respected, revered, venerated, and esteemed by the brahmin Pokkharasati [another wealthy brahmin residing in Ukkattha, a crown property given to him by King Pasenadi, who at DN 2.21/i.110 hears a discourse from the Buddha, attains stream-entry, and goes for guidance (sarana) along with his family and retinue].

"You, sir, rule over Opasada, a crown property abounding in living beings...a sacred grant given to you by King Pasanadi of Kosala. Since this is so Master Canki, it is not proper for you to go see the recluse Gautama. Rather, it is proper for him to come see you."

When this was said the brahmin Canki told those brahmins:

"Now, sirs, hear from me why it is proper for me to go see Master Gautama and why it is not proper for him to come see me. Sirs, the recluse Gautama is well-born on both sides, of pure maternal and paternal descent seven generations back... [as said before of Canki].

"Sirs, the recluse Gautama went forth abandoning much gold and buillion stored away in vaults and depositories. Sirs, the recluse Gautama went forth from the home life into homelessness. While still young, a black-haired young man, endowed with the blessing of youth, in the prime of life. Sirs, the recluse Gautama shaved off his hair and beard, put on the saffron robe, and went forth though his mother and father wished otherwise and wept with tearful faces. Sirs, the recluse Gautama is handsome, comely, and graceful, possessing supreme beauty of complexion [as before].

"Sirs, the recluse Gautama is a teacher of the teachers of many. Sirs, the recluse Gautama is free from sensual lust and without personal vanity. Sirs, the recluse Gautama holds the doctrine of the moral efficacy of action [karma], the doctrine of the moral efficacy of deeds. He does not seek any harm for the line of brahmins. Sirs, the recluse Gautama went forth from an aristocratic family, from one of the original noble [khattiya caste] families.

"Sirs, the recluse Gautama went forth from a rich family, from a family of great wealth and great possessions. Sirs, people come from remote kingdoms and remote districts to question the recluse Gautama. Sirs, many thousands of devas have gone for guidance for life to the recluse Gautama. Sirs, a good report of the recluse Gautama has been spread to this effect: 'That Blessed One is accomplished, fully enlightened... (as before).

"Sirs, the recluse Gautama possesses the 32 marks of a Great Man. Sirs, King Seniya Bimbisara of Magadha and his wife and children have gone for guidance for life to the recluse Gautama. Sirs, King Pasenadi of Kosala and his wife and children have gone for guidance for life to the recluse Gautama.

"Sirs, the brahmin Pokkharasati and his wife and children have gone for guidance for life to the recluse Gautama. Sirs, the recluse Gautama has arrived at Opasada and is residing in the Gods' Grove. Now any recluses or bhramins who come to our town are our guests, and guests should be honored, respected, revered, and venerated by us. Therefore, so should the recluse Gautama. Since this is so, sirs, it is not proper for the recluse Gautama to come see me. Rather, it is proper for me to go see him.

"Sirs, this much is the praise of Master Gautama I have learned. But the praise of Master Gautama is not limited to this. For the praise of Master Gautama is immeasurable. Since he possesses each one of these factors, it is not proper for him to come see me. Rather, it is proper for me to go see him. Sirs, let us all go to see the recluse Gautama."

Then the brahmin Canki, together with a large company of brahmins went to see the Buddha and exchanged greetings with him. When this courteous and amiable talk was finished he sat down to one side. [End of Part 1]

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