Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Buddhist Nunnery in Canada

Jennifer Green (The Ottawa Citizen, Dec. 29, 2009)
Ayya Medhanandi meditates at the Sati Saraniya Hermitage, a sanctuary for women to train to become Buddhist nuns (Julie Oliver/The Ottawa Citizen). Images

OTTAWA — Ayya Medhanandi, a Buddhist nun, hopes to soon ordain women in the Theravada tradition at her hermitage just west of Perth. The silence of the snowy fields, the stillness in the Sati Saraniya Hermitage: could such a peaceful place send a tremble through the world of Theravada Buddhism?

Ayya Medhanandi is a Theravada Buddhist nun who has opened Canada's first monastic residence exclusively for women, just west of Perth. As a bhikkhuni, or nun ordained on an equal footing with Buddhist monks, she hopes to offer women the same full-ordination she attained after decades of training.

If she succeeds, it will be the first time a woman has been ordained in her order in Canada, says the diminutive 60-year-old. So far, she has had about six or seven inquiries. There may be a catch, however. More>>

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