Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pentagon Going "Green"?

Nathan Hodge

The Greening of the Pentagon’s Master Strategy Review
Climate change may be an “accelerant of instability” in future conflicts, and the U.S. military needs to plan for possible environmental catastrophes and resource wars, according to the Pentagon’s soon-to-be-released master strategy document. The crew at Inside Defense (subscription only) got their hands on a “pre-decisional” draft of the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review, the congressionally mandated, once-every-four-years review of defense policy. The much-anticipated document, slated for release on Monday, is supposed to be a broad “statement of purpose” for the Defense Department. Defense contractors, policy wonks, and other national security types will be reading it closely for any possible shift in priorities. More>>

Climatology, Earth Science, Global Climate Change, Military and Defense Policy, Nature and the Environment

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