Friday, January 22, 2010

Poll: Nearly 1 in 5 won't fill out census form

New York launches its census awareness campaign (AFP/Stan Honda)

WASHINGTON (AP) – With the launch of the decennial census just weeks away, nearly 1 in 5 people may not participate in the high-stakes head count, citing mostly a lack of interest but also a broader distrust of government.

A poll released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center highlights the challenges as the Census Bureau prepares to begin its tally in March. The findings come as some groups question whether the agency's $300 million outreach effort is doing enough to reach hard-to-count communities.

"The big picture message is they've got a lot of work to do in terms of informing people," said Andrew Kohut, president of the Pew Research Center. He cited young people in particular, as well as those with less education and Hispanics who have had less exposure to the census or government. More>>


The 2010 Census is hiring like crazy. This is how, and this is why. Thousands of Americans are needed to verify questionnaires sent back incomplete. Doing so is a monumental task requiring clerks, crew leaders, supervisors, support staff, and census takers. Guess what? They're all being hired now. The pay runs between $13 to $22.50 an hour. It's easy money for routine work that has all been streamlined and standardized. How do you get hired? Call (866) 861-2010. You'll be routed to your local Census office to sign up for a simple 28 question test. (Take the practice exam to know what to expect at You only need 10 out 28 to pass. If you live in an area that needs counting and have a good score, you'll be called in. Let's all count and be counted. The Federal government allocates its funding based on population. The more of us there actually are, the more money will be poured into our area.

NOTE: The more people who refuse to fill out their census forms, which will be mailed out in May, the more jobs/work there will be to get the information in person.

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