Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thailand vs. Cambodia: no normal relations

BANGKOK -- Thailand's Foreign Minister, Kasit Piromya, said [Jan. 12, 2009] that it is still not the time to normalize relations with Cambodia, the Thai News Agency reported. If Cambodia has not ended its relationship with ousted former Thai Premier Thaksin Shinawatra, it will be difficult to improve the bilateral tie, Kasit said. No matter what Cambodia says, it will not change the fact that Cambodia has not respected the justice system of Thailand, Kasit added. The diplomatic problem between the two countries came about after Cambodia appointed Thaksin an economic advisor to Cambodia's government and Hun Sen on Nov. 4, 2009. A day after the appointment, the Cambodian government announced a recall of its ambassador to Thailand in a move to respond to the Thai government's recall of its ambassador to Cambodia. More>>

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