Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tibet's "Riot" was Staged by China

New evidence from raw footage proves the Lhasa protest was instigated and orchestrated by Chinese police. Police dressed as Buddhist monks and citizens to fabricate a pretext for clamping down, killing, and arresting protesters. China targets the West more than Tibet For by use of disinformation, propaganda, and brutality, China's communist government has created a war of terror aimed at killing innocents and insurgents alike. Then using its vast reach it has incentivized and intimidated media outlets into reporting Chinese talking points. Billions of readers worldwide are thereby misled, giving tacit approval and even active support to the administration for these fabrications. The same happens when other indigenous populations are involved, such as the Uighurs. These are not new tactics invented by China. They are military (PsyOps) and CIA-style methods used subvert civil dissent and human rights.

South Park Comparison
Han Chinese police/military impersonating Tibetans and Buddhist monks is as transparent as Cartman and Butters impersonating Chinese on behalf of America.

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