Tuesday, January 12, 2010

UFOs inundate UK skies

(TheSun.co.uk) England — In 2009 there were 643 reports of bizarre lights, strange spheres, and curious orbs in our skies — a figure only beaten in 1978. UFO expert Nick Pope said 31 years ago there were 750 reports from panicked members of the public. But this is the last time the Ministry of Defence (MoD) will release these figures.

The government closed their UFO hotline just before the end of last year, after it had been running for almost 60 years. The files contain sightings from military personnel, police officers, and air traffic controllers. Mr. Pope, who used to run the MoD's UFO project, said last night: "This is incredible. Britain is being inundated with UFO sightings.

"I'm sure the record would have been smashed had the MoD not terminated the UFO project late last year. These sensational figures just show how wrong that decision was. There are sightings here from military personnel, police officers and air traffic controllers." Source

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