Friday, January 15, 2010

What is Hollywood trying to tell us?

Ever get the sense that someone's hinting is getting heavy handed? Hollywood moguls are heavyweights in American culture. So what are they trying to tell us with the recent slate of apocalyptic movies and video games featuring zombies, demons, war, and UFOs? There's Legion, 2012, The Road, Avatar, Book of Eli, District 9, and so on.

The problem is these prophecies and worst-case-scenarios can be brought about simply because we believe them: When we act as if, we bring into being the very thing we dread. This is a socio-psychological principle as well as a spiritual one, as popularized by "The Secret."

The solution is dispelling and overcoming fear. When we do, fear is dispelled for those around us. When we're in fear, we draw others in. What we put in our minds is our choice, and Hollywood (as usual) isn't helping. So we have to be responsible ourselves.

"Panelists" debate whether games like Fallout 3 and Gears Of War 2 are teaching children the actual skills they'll need in the End Times (The Onion).

(ClevverMovies) What happens when God decides humanity's a lost cause? I don't know, but I bet Legion is a pretty good guess. In a bid to start humanity all over again, God starts up the Apocalypse by launching an army of angels to invade Earth and kill all the humans they can find.

Meanwhile, a rebellious angel decides that humanity needs yet another chance, and thus goes down to Earth to save the savior of mankind...who hasn't actually been born yet. So now, the angel's got to protect the mother of the future of humanity, while trying to avoid destruction at the hands of a vengeful God.

Making God the bad guy is almost never received well. So will this one break the January curse? Or will sheer divine retribution keep people away in droves?

Father and son are off in search of civilization in this post-apocalyptic thriller. What they find along the road will be anything but good after an unknown catastrophe reduced America, and possibly the world, to cannibalistic barbarism. Will they find what they're looking for? Or will they be victims of "The Road"? I can't imagine.

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