Sunday, February 14, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR (Valentine's Day)!

China Welcomes Year of the Tiger (Sunday, Feb. 14, 2010)
China's state broadcaster CCTV transmitted a television spectacular on Saturday night to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, and welcome in the Year of the Tiger. Today is Chinese New Year, a celebration of the oldest civilization on the Earth today.

China was once called “The Land of the Divine.” For thousands of years, emperors ruled this vast land with the honor and wisdom that came from principles of virtue and morality. It is believed that the rich culture of the people was divinely imparted [from space visitors], meaning that arts like painting, dance, and music were inspired to keep people connected to the truth and beauty of the heavens [space].

Unfortunately, much of this cultural and spiritual heritage was destroyed during the “Cultural Revolution” in China. Millions were killed and countless monuments and Buddhist temples were destroyed. More>>

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