Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Himalayan Report: Tibet, India, China

Dalai Lama's discourse lands 5 Tibetans in trouble
KATHMANDU, Nepal - Five Tibetans suspected of having fled to India from Tibet via Nepal to pray for world peace and hear their spiritual/temporal leader, the Dalai Lama, now face harsh prison terms after being arrested by Nepal police. Kathmandu police on Saturday said they had arrested five Tibetans, including a woman, from the Boudhanath area in the capital, a religious landmark noted for its concentration of Buddhist monasteries and the world-famous Boudhanath Stupa, one of the largest and holiest Tibetan Buddhist shrines. The group is believed to have gone to Bodhgaya...

Tibet Tourism Stocks rise most in Shanghai on report
(Bloomberg) - Tibetan tourism and drug stocks rose the most in China’s benchmark stock index after the National Business Daily reported the government will increase stimulus spending and seek industry mergers in the autonomous region.

Part II: Dalai Lama/Dorje Shugden controversy

Temps in Tibet soar to highest level since records began (Guardian/Dan Chung).

Tibet temperature "highest since records began"
According to Chinese climatologists, average Tibet temperatures in 2009 increased 1.5C to the highest level since records began. Rises were noted during both winter and summer at 29 monitoring sites. The roof of the world is heating up, according to a report today. Adding to the fierce international debate about the impact of climate change on the Himalayas, the state-run China Daily noted that the average temperature in Tibet in 2009 was 5.9C, 1.5 degrees higher than "normal." It did not define "normal," but Chinese climatologists have previously drawn comparisons with an average over several decades.

Chinese hackers broke into NSA, service chiefs' computers
(DNA) New Delhi - More than 200 computers belonging to top-ranking government officials, including the three service chiefs and former national security advisor (NSA) MK Narayanan, were compromised in the hacking operation that originated in China on December 15, 2010 it has emerged. Security agencies now believe that the operation was bigger in scale than earlier believed. In a shocking revelation, sources close to the security agencies probing the matter have revealed that computers...



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