Thursday, February 4, 2010

Law of Atraction "Guru" Charged in Deaths

How the hopes and expectations of Spiritual Materialism are shaping many lives: J.A. Ray wishes he were dreaming now so he could awaken from this nightmare.

"Spiritual Warrior" Charged with 3 Counts of Manslaughter
Roger Butow ('s "Odd Man Out")

LAGUNA BEACH, California - "Jesus was [allegedly] saying to those Jews who had believed Him, 'If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free'" (John 8:31-32).

Many Americans are shaking their heads and “Tsk-tsking” about the avoidable deaths of three people who attended self-help guru James A. Ray’s retreat in Sedona, Arizona last October. Who knows where the grand jury manslaughter indictment of Mr. Ray will lead. But one thing is for sure: He’s got enough in the bank to fend off the accusations, funds provided by his incensed supportive entourage. And the "if it bleeds it leads, film at 11" media will go into a feeding frenzy mode.

James Arthur Ray speaks about "the secret" to achieving financial and spiritual wealth.

With about 50 people total in that makeshift sweat lodge, another 18 were treated for burns, dehydration, respiratory arrest, or kidney failure, look for them to seek their own trials and punitive damages. This will become a veritable cottage industry for Gloria Allred and other celebrity ambulance chasers that will also become rich off the publicity and legal fees. Look for phony populist Nancy Grace to cry, dab her make-up with her hanky, and milk it dry on her show. More>>

Love of God Drives Austere Existence for Monks
To conquer lust, Saint Benedict threw himself into a briar patch, naked. At least, that's the story. This monkish mentality of extreme self-denial is pretty far from most college students' lines of thought. But we at Geneseo have a monastery five miles away -- the Abbey of the Genesee. Is it more than just robes and briar patches? One of the monks, Brother Anthony Weber, was happy to tell all.

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