Thursday, April 1, 2010

Making your own Buddha

CC Liu (April Fools' Rainy Day Fun Project)

Making 1,000 Buddha Statues (Tsa Tsas)

It's a rainy day in Los Angeles with summer temperatures diving and the Himalayan foothills getting another blanketing of snow. With clouds on the horizon, we thought a good rainy day fun project was in order. Going around the offices of Wisdom Quarterly, we ask: "How would you do it, how would you create your own Buddha?"

  • CC: "I love to draw and paint and get really passionate, making badges to wear around school."

  • Ashley: "I like to crochet and play Scrabble, so it's all about getting to my inner Andy Warhol!"

  • Doug: "I have no idea, something like her ink maybe?"

  • Seven: "I'd sculpt soapstone if I had any, limestone if it didn't crumble, or glass if it would melt. That way the finished piece would be a work of art."

  • Pat: "The best way I can think of is adobe clay, or candle wax, one freestyle, the other in a mold. Of course I'm not sure how you'd make the mold."

  • Amber: "I'd call the factory and have them send over a mold, fill it with veggie-jello, or layer gold film on paper mache!"

  • Bhante: "How about using batik (tie-dye)?"

  • Gwendolyn: "This is LA, why not just spray paint it?"

  • Brahmin: "To be ironic, can make something from pain pills?"

  • Sensei: "Make it with the mind and adorn it with practice..."

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