Tuesday, April 20, 2010

On 4/20: Sensible Legalization?

Great wisdom or tricky delusion?

(WQ) "420" is code for cannabis. So the date is used as a focal point for related news items, concerts, and even laws.

California recognized the medicinal potential of cannabis and the deception of a set of anti-drug laws called a war. The purpose of the federal imperialistic "war" and "czar" is making money, not eradicating drug use. But the promise of eradication, fueled by fear, is used as an excuse for spending.

It is debatable whether cannabis has any real spiritual benefits. Some varieties with very sparse use may. Dreadlocked Indian hermits often become addicted. Some medicinal benefits have been established. Here, too, variety and light use is key. But abuse (including recreational use) enlivens an illicit market and, judging by a look at chronic users, is harmful. It need not be this way.

Something's Happening: Caroline Casey on Marijuana
Continuing Jack Gariss "States of Consciousness" (1982), J. Krishnamurti at Stanford (1 of 4), Caroline Casey "Visionary Activist Show" from KPFA, April 15th show with Mariavittoria Mangini on the therapeutic uses of durgs and Valeria Corral, founder of WAMM – Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana (Friday, 2:30 am, April 16, 2010).
What Sensible Legalization Looks Like
Uprising Radio (KPFK)
Medical marijuana users and advo-cates for legalization gathered this weekend near San Francisco for the International Cannabis and Hemp Expo.
The two-day event attracted more than 15,000 attendants at the Cow Palace Arena in nearby Daly City for vendor displays of various medicinal-marijuana related products. The expo was also historic insofar as, after a four-year organizational fight, it became… More>>

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