Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tonight: PBS doc. "The Buddha" (review)

Luaine Lee (McClatchy Newspapers)
It seems like a clash of cultures when you compare the razzle-dazzle of American life and the tranquil practice of Buddhism. But the two are completely compatible, says documentary filmmaker David Grubin, whose two-hour film, “The Buddha,” premieres tonight on PBS. “We try to set his life in its historical context, but it’s so long ago that we don’t know what he really did,” Grubin says. “But what I realized is, what he really did doesn’t really matter. What matters is the story and the meaning of that story and the message of hope that the story carries. And so you won’t find in this film a searching for the historical Buddha. What you do find is a great story with great interpreters of the story. More>>

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