Monday, April 5, 2010

"UFO Hunters" (History Channel)

Integrajoey - History Channel UFO Hunters ("The Silencers," Season 3, Episode 10). UFOs are the biggest mystery of our time, and somebody or something seems determined to keep it that way. Hundreds of UFO researchers and witnesses have told of terrifying encounters with mysterious men, usually dressed completely in black, who threaten terrible consequences if they do not keep silent.

The Men in Black seem to appear out of nowhere, know facts the witnesses have not divulged to anybody, and frequently display bizarre behavior, leading some to question whether they are secretive government agents or even human. The History Channel team interviews individuals who are only now willing to come forward to tell their stories.

A sketch artist will create portraits of the MIB to see if the sightings match. The team will also analyze the only known photograph of a MIB and talk to the photographer. Finally, the team travels to the new "Area 51″ in the Utah desert, to a site rumored to be the place where the MIB originate.

Norway spiral seen over Thailand

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