Friday, April 2, 2010

Where is "Buddha Boy" today?

The last news about Ram Bahadur Bomjon (aka Palden Dorje) was that he was going to peacefully protest a great injustice. Every five years Nepal holds a mass slaughter (a Hindu "sacrifice") killing more than 100,000 animals. He was banned from doing so. He therefore headed for the festival/killing grounds to meditate and radiate compassion. His silent peace demonstration was frustrated. He went missing, presumably picked up by security forces, and was not reported on. Nepalese and Indian government officials did not want to see a confrontation between Buddhism and Hinduism -- two traditions that advocate non-violence (ahimsa). Some foolishly repeat the nonsense that the Buddha was born and died a Hindu. Not only was there no "Hinduism" at that time, the Buddha led a protest movement against the Brahmanism that did exist and further explicitly condemned the Vedic practice of animal sacrifices. The Buddha Boy is only following these peaceful footsteps.

The slaughter took place, as covered by Wisdom Quarterly, but the Buddha Boy did not reemerge to explain what had happened. Now video has surfaced showing that he apparently did appear to peacefully protest the senseless, ritualistic mass killing at Gadhi Mai Mela.

  • Buddha Boy Palden Dorje to Protest Animal Sacrifice
    Palden Dorje planned to give blessings from the 18th to the 23rd of November, 2009 at the site of
    Gadhi Mai Mela. However, for security reasons Hindu priests were unwilling to allot a space for his peaceful celebration (puja). He plans to make an appearance at the festival (mela) on the 24th of November when the sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of animals take place to protest.

1 comment:

  1. Killing so much innocent animals is terrible.Buddha boy is following a Lord Buddha's way to Nibbhana,i think he is a visible Buddha.Sadu Sadu sadu!!!
