Sunday, May 16, 2010

Arab-American beauty wins Miss USA 2010

Miss Michigan Rima Fakih wins Miss USA 2010, becoming the first Arab-American to win the crown.(Brekken/AP)

Rima Fakih wins Miss USA 2010, first Arab-American
Miss Michigan Rima Fakih was crowned Miss USA on Sunday night, becoming the first Arab-American to ever win the pageant.

All things (constructs) are impermanent. When realizing this by great understanding, one becomes dispassionate and disgusted with suffering. This is the path to purification.

All constructions are miserable! When realizing that by understanding, one becomes dispassionate and disgusted with suffering. This is the path to purification.
All states are impersonal, without self. When realizing this by great understanding, one becomes dispassionate and disgusted with suffering. This is the path to purification (Dhp 277-79).

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