Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fresh Burma aid appeal after Cyclone

Fresh Burma aid appeal two years on from Cyclone Nargis
Reconstruction in the low-lying Irrawaddy Delta has been very slow. Two years after a devastating cyclone hit Burma, the aid agency Oxfam has appealed for more aid, as international funding pledges remain unfulfilled. Oxfam said that two years into a three-year appeal, only about a quarter of the money needed had been promised. With the monsoon season approaching in Burma, shelter and agriculture were priorities, it said. Cyclone Nargis killed about 140,000 people and severely affected the lives of another 2.5 million. After an international outcry, Burma's military government eventually opened up to foreign aid - but now Oxfam says that aid is falling short and putting its achievements at risk. More>>

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