Sunday, May 9, 2010

US envoy to meet with Aung San Suu Kyi

RANGOON, Burma (AP) – A top U.S. official was due to meet Burma's detained democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi on Monday, after expressing concerns about the legitimacy of the military-run country's upcoming elections. Kurt Campbell, assistant secretary of state for East Asia, started off his two-day visit by saying Washington was deeply concerned about the political environment the ruling junta has created in the run-up to Burma's first election in 20 years. Campbell arrived Sunday and met with senior junta officials in the remote administrative capital of Naypyitaw before flying Monday to Rangoon, the biggest city. He was due to meet Suu Kyi in the afternoon at a government guesthouse near her lakeside villa, diplomats and officials said. More>>

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