Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hear GALEXIS live (radio and online)

"Healing your Relationship with Yourself"
Listen Thursday, June 17 (1:00-2:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time, or KPFK Archives)
Recently Wisdom Quarterly spent some quality time seeing and interviewing Galexis in depth. Pacifica Radio's The Aware Show (Los Angeles) will be carrying a special live interview today:

Galexis (as channeled by Ginger Metraux, Ph.D. pictured at left) is a group of transdimensional light beings who offer help and wisdom. The channel is an inspirational speaker who dialogs with this group of spiritual teachers, given the name "Galexis" for simplicity, to offer answers and inspiration, healing and happiness.

Galexis teaches one the way to manifest desires and live in joy and fulfillment. Listen free online from anywhere in the world. (Although The Aware Show is not normally archived, this special programming is archived for 90 days and may be downloaded free).

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