Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Karma" in less than 10 minutes

OpenSourceBuddhism -- Karma explained by Hoang through Professor Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Powell II. This explanation of the complex subject of karma is comprehensible and serves as the scaffolding for Buddhist ethics. It may aid the beginner to quickly enter an understanding of Buddhism in a general way. See more at

"Enraptured with lust, enraged with anger, blinded by delusion, overwhelmed with mind (heart) ensnared, one aims at one's own ruin, at the ruin of 0thers, at the ruin of both, and one experiences mental pain and grief.

"But if lust, anger, and delusion are given up, one aims neither at one's own ruin, nor at the ruin of others, nor at the ruin of both. And one experiences no mental pain or grief. Thus is nirvana immediate, visible in this life, inviting, attractive, and comprehensible to the wise" (AN III.55).

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