Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Oh My God" (movie)

(ClevverMovies) — This theatrical debut is Peter Rodger's grand attempt to answer the question: "Did God create Man, or did Man create God?" Rodger asks a laundry list of atheists, believers, agnostics, and everybody in between one very simple question, What is God? From there Hugh Jackman, Ringo Starr, prophecy wonk Tim LaHaye, and a host of others share their thoughts and attempt to come closer to an answer. This is the trailer.

"Oh My God" Cast: Hugh Jackman, Seal, Ringo Starr, Sir Bob Geldof, Princess Michael of Kent, David Copperfield, Jack Thompson. Movie trailer courtesy Rodger Pictures. Opens in US in 2009. Directed by Peter Rodger.

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