Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Reduce Risk: Cell Phones and Brain Tumors

Cell Phones and Brain Tumors: Reduce Exposure
In a gutsy move, the Maine legi-slature is currently considering requiring warning labels on cellphones -- much like cigarette packets -- about the increased risk of brain cancer from electromagnetic radiation emitted as part of the radio signaling technology of all cellphones. The mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom, also wants to mandate new cellphone labelling. And a similar bill was introduced this year to the California legislature. While these initiatives raise disturbing health issues that many people would prefer not to think about, and although the media has met these developments with tepid interest, this may prove to be a watershed moment for public health advocates and the cellphone industry. - Psychology Today

In this photo taken June 3, 2010, Dr. Steven Birnbaum works a CT scanner with a patient at Southern New Hampshire Medical Center in Nashua, N.H. (AP P

Americans get too much radiation
(AP) We fret about airport scanners, power lines, cell phones, and even microwaves. It's true that we get too much radiation. But there's a worse source: too many medical tests. More>>

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