Thursday, July 22, 2010

Internet Porn comes to China

Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
The West is winning. We promote greed (lust, competition, avarice) by promoting consumer capitalism over every other system. So the end draws near for China -- oil obssessed and spilling on its own shores, consuming more energy than any other nation in the world, discriminating against its ethnic minority communities, engaged in genocide against its native peoples. But now the worst thing of all has befallen it: Internet porn sites are now accessible. The oldest continuous culture in the world is succumbing to all the things that brought down the world's only remaining superpower (and one of the world's youngest nations), which has its own oil obsession and a spill on its shores, long consumed more energy than any other nation in the world, discriminates against its ethnic minority communities, and is engaged in genocide against its native peoples. And the worst thing of all is how much porn it keeps available while hiding behind a cloak of shame and hypocrisy. Let's not be ashamed. At least let's not be hypocrites.

FILE - In this Jan 23, 2008 file photo, a computer user is silhouetted with a row of computer monitors at an Internet cafe in Shenyang, in northern Ch
Some Internet porn sites in China now accessible
BEIJING – Word leaked out slowly, spread by Web-savvy folks on Twitter: Internet porn that once was blocked by Chinese government censors was now openly available. "Are they no longer cracking down on pornographic websites? A lot of porn sites and forums are accessible," technology blogger William Long wrote on his feed. More>>

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