Thursday, September 30, 2010

Abhidhamma: Free Live Online Seminar

The Abhidhamma is the Buddha's "Higher Teachings" addressing ultimate truths.
  • What: Live, Two-Way Online Seminar
  • When: Once a month, beginning at the end of January, 2011
  • Languages: one class in English, one in Chinese (specify)
  • Instructor: Sayalay Susila is an accomplished Theravada Buddhist nun, Vipassana (Insight) meditation instructor, and graduate of the University of Science in Malaysia. Sayalay practiced under the renowned Burmese meditation master Sayadaw U. Pandita. Thereafter, she undertook a course of study with Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw at Pa Auk Forest Monastery focusing on Serenity and Insight practices as well as Abhidharma, Sutra, and Pali studies. She is well known for her clear and lucid Abhidhamma teaching and its application to dailly life, having taught in Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, as well as in Buddhist Centers across Canada, the United States, and Australia. Her talks and Powerpoint presentations are widely praised as vivid and precise. She has two books in print, The Nine Attributes of the Buddha (Chinese) and Unraveling the Mysteries of Mind & Body through Abhidhamma (English). She speaks fluent English, Chinese, and Burmese.
  • More information and to register, (860) 869-5350. DETAILS
Only enough registered participants will make this event possible!

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