Sunday, October 10, 2010

Buddhist monk emphasizes life, peace

Thich Nhat Hanh (forefront) walks to Lumbini Park at the foot of Borobudur Temple, Java, after leading a meditation peace walk (Jakarta Post/Suherdjoko).

Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh led 500 Buddhists and monks from 15 countries in a series of meditations at the renowned Borobudur Temple complex in Magelang, Central Java, on Thursday.

Using slow but deliberate movements, the monk [and Nobel Peace Prize nominee] led participants to climb from the bottom to the temple’s highest stupa.

“Through breathing we know about life. When breathing we feel life. That’s the joy of living,” the 84-year-old monk told participants during the activities at the temple’s Lumbini Park.

In a simple way, he taught people that meditation could be done when doing any daily activities — from working, sitting, walking, sleeping, and eating to drinking — by concentrating and becoming alert of their surrounding to reach peace. More>>

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