Friday, October 8, 2010

Supporting American Buddhism (dana)

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"I do not perceive anything, O monastics, that when undeveloped and uncultivated entails such great suffering as the mind. Indeed the mind when undeveloped and uncultivated entails great suffering!” - The Buddha (AN 1: 9)

What is Dana?

“How much does it cost to come to a retreat at Bhavana Society?” “There is no set fee.” “If there is no set fee, how can you operate?"

We are frequently asked the "suggested" donation for retreats at Bhavana Society Meditation Center. We cannot answer this question because that would be tantamount to setting a price. The Buddha’s teachings are priceless. So we offer services for dana. What is dana? Its simplest meaning is “generosity.”

We practice dana by offering the Buddha's teachings without a pricetag. Participants can practice dana by making a donation of money, time, and/or labor. Donations allow us to continue offering the teachings to others. This center was built and is maintained only by the generosity of those who value the teachings.

Along with sila (virtuous behavior) dana is considered essential to building a strong foundation where wisdom can arise through meditation. It is through the practice of dana that we learn to let go of greed (be it intense or subtle). If one would like to offer the center a financial donation, this link may be used:

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