Thursday, October 7, 2010

USA: 10 Years of War in Afghanistan

FILE - In this Tuesday, July 4, 2006 file picture, a woman looks out through a destroyed window after a bomb exploded in Kabul, Afghanistan in front o
Gandhara-style Buddha; Afghan woman looking out a destroyed window (AP/File).

KABUL, Afghanistan (ancient Buddhist Gandhara) – It's make-or-break time in Afghanistan. The US war on Afghanistan enters its 10th year today [although to be fair the US has been at war for almost all of its 234 years], and this is no ordinary war anniversary.

With extra American troops now in place, this is the critical juncture to determine if President Obama's revised war stategy will work [to ensure that peace does not ruin the profit-motives that caused us to begin this war in the first place]. More>>

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