Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christian leaders, originally and now (video)

It's controversial for neither Buddhists nor Christians will like it. But the conclusion here is incorrect. Jesus could well be sitting at the right hand of a god (a brahma or even Maha Brahma) as a deva (a devaputra, "son of god"). He was "resurrected," in the sense we all are at death, by rebirth. He was likely reborn in that realm. He may have even "ascended" into that heaven (extraterrestrial world) by means of a craft or through psychic power. There is no reason to disregard Jesus. There is a need, however, to see St. Issa in real historical terms -- not in Church fantasies, fairy tales, and fictions created for a figurehead whose teachings are utterly disregarded while his name is worshipped. I'm a Buddhist, and I don't care if people are Christian. But I do care if they're hypocritical, like Church, Inc.'s "holy father" (and former member of the Hitler Youth) tacitly condoning gay prostitution but hardly condemning gay child molestation by priests. I wonder if priests can use condoms by the logic in the Pope's reasoning.

Pope: condoms can be justified in some cases
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI says in a new book that the use of condoms can be justified in some cases, such as for male prostitutes seeking to prevent the spread of HIV.

The pontiff makes the comments in a book-length interview with a German journalist, "Light of the World: The Pope, the Church and the Signs of the Times." The Vatican newspaper ran excerpts of the book Saturday.

Church teaching has long opposed condoms since they're a form of artificial contraception. The Vatican has been harshly criticized for its position given the AIDS crisis.

Benedict said that for male prostitutes — for whom contraception isn't a central issue — condoms are not a moral solution. But he said they could be justified "in the intention of reducing the risk of infection."

Benedict drew unprecedented criticism from European governments, international organizations and scientists in March 2009 when he told reporters while flying to Africa that condoms would not resolve the AIDS problem there but, on the contrary, increase it. The statement was condemned by France, Germany and the U.N. agency charged with fighting AIDS as irresponsible and dangerous. More>>

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