Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WikiLeaks: US Lies to the World (cartoon)

We may finally have an administration that's not so bad, in contrast to the high crimes of the Nazi-like Bush Reich (WikiLeaks cartoon coverage: mxrk.net)

(NY Times) The business of "diplomacy" [deception, public relations, and espionage] is often messy. And when private communications become public, it can also be highly embarrassing.

But what struck us [at the New York Times], and reassured us, about the latest trove of classified documents released by WikiLeaks was the absence of any real skullduggery.

After years of revelations about the Bush administration’s abuses -- including the use of [illegal] torture and kidnappings -- much of the Obama administration’s diplomatic wheeling and dealing is appropriate and, at times, downright skillful.

The best example of that is its handling of Iran. As the cables show, the administration has been under pressure from both Israel and Arab states to attack Tehran’s nuclear program pre-emptively. It has wisely resisted, while pressing for increasingly tough sanctions on Iran. More>>

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