Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Mushrooms than "Messiahs"

Christianity has little to do with Rabbi Jesus
Wisdom Quarterly (INVESTIGATION)
Why do Christians preach the Dharma? Why do Jews love Tibetan Buddhism, yoga?

Why does Wisdom Quarterly delve into "Christian" ideas, myths, and traditions? The reason is that Christianity is an amalgam of faiths from ancient India and the Near East. Therefore, the amazing thing we aim to communicate is that what passes as Christianity isn't really "Christian."

There are entire bodies of Vedic, Sumerian, Egyptian, and Ethno-mycological literature -- which Catholicism in particular has shamelessly appropriated and reinterpreted -- that explain the odd artifacts of a religion attributed a gentle rabbi who was merely used as a cover story. (See video).

The Christian religion is not about Christ's life. It should be, it would be nice if it were (with his Zen parables and Tibetan Buddhist training), but it is not.

The earliest Christian forefathers were keeping alive psychedelic references and trans-shamanic lore of much older traditions -- like Moses and his tribe surviving on manna in the desert.

Buddhism, particularly messianic Mahayana (waiting for the return of the Maitreya / Messiah) and Vajrayana in northern India-Ladakh-Tibet, apparently fed Jewish spiritual thinking long before Christianity was composed and forced on the world through Roman and European conquest (hegemony).

The wisdom of the East is referred to time and again as, for example, in the story of the Three Wise Men. There were, according to the Bible, Three Wise Men from the East who came to give gifts to the star-child (devaputra or "son of god," lowercase because "god" here simply indicates deva). This is astrotheology, not history.

Holger Kersten (Jesus Lived in India, Chp. 4, Penguin Books India) explains that the "wise men" were Buddhist monks. This is not to say that the story is of a single human event. It is clearly an astrotheological reference to annual celestial cycles. But the human version echoes the theme of Tibetan Buddhist monks searching for a Tulku in the West among the Essenes.

The Essenes of Judea, yogis and eaters of manna, were an ancient Buddhistic-monastic community among Jews. Their spiritual and hygienic practices were unprecedented in the history of Judaism but were common in India.

It's remarkable where one finds confirmation for so many disparate ideas covered in the pages of Wisdom Quarterly!

Jesus was not the Christos (John Marco Allegro, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross)

For here we have a story of entheogenic mushrooms (Amanita muscaria), the gateway to shaman visions used by countless spiritual traditions, revealing the real history behind the construction of Judeo-Christian symbolism and mythology. (In this case, not naming the mushroom but anthropomorphizing it with stories of a religious teacher is mythologizing).

Buddhists and Muslims seem more in touch with the original human Jesus, St. Issa (Isa in Arabic) than the Jewish-Roman Paul. Why?

Paul was encoding a psychedelic religion and its practices in a syncretic amalgam or collection of faiths that would sweep the world. Originally, it had more to do with mushrooms than messiahs.

People were simply re-fed a pot of gumbo their indigenous beliefs all contributed to. This explains why the Vatican grounds contain such an inexplicable mishmash of exotic artifacts and symbols. There are Greek and Greco-Indian as well as Theravada-Therapeutae and Gnostic mystic elements for a start. The Vatican itself was built over on an enormous temple-complex dedicated to Mithra. Most of what is said about Jesus today was first said about Mithra.

Mithraism was Roman astrotheology (the stars forming the basis of religion) before renaming and reinterpreting things in "Christian" terms. The word "catholic," after all, simply means "universal." And the plan worked, making this Roman mishmash the largest religion in the world. Catholicism was the Roman Empire's way of conquering the world after failing to conquer it by war.

So the religions of the world have a lot to talk about with one another, a great deal to share, and a much to be friends about.

  • For instance, Wisdom Quarterly's research strongly indicates that Sakka, King of the [Tavatimsa world and Catumaharajika] Devas, is none other than archangel St. Michael (who cast demons/asuras out of lower celestial world).

Jesus (and Mithra) may be the ideal "savior" (bodhisattva) for Christians. But ancient Jews knew he was not the "messiah" they were awaiting, from stories of Maitreya they picked up from the East. Moreover, he is certainly not the Buddha "Maitreya."

Jesus as Messiah?
Rabbi Simmons (ask.com)
Q: Why did the majority of the Jewish world reject Jesus as the Messiah, and why did the first Christians accept Jesus as the Messiah?
A: It is important to understand why Jews don't believe in Jesus. The purpose is not to disparage other religions, but rather to clarify the Jewish position. The more data that's available, the better informed choices people can make about their spiritual path. Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because: More>>

PHOTOS: Rabbi Jesus (forward.com), the Buddha and Christ (consciouslivingfoundation.org), Maitreya Buddha statue from Gandhara (Norton Simon Museum of Art), Mithra stone relief (wikipedia.org)

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