Monday, December 6, 2010

Deepak Chopra's "comic" on the Buddha's life

Is there anything "spiritual tycoon" Deepak Chopra wouldn't commercialize for the right price? Still, Sai Baba uses the Buddha as well. Even Siddhartha author Herman Hesse saw value in using the Buddha to sell fiction.

(SIFY/IANS) New Age guru Deepak Chopra is set to publish a graphic adaptation of his New York Times bestselling novel Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment in collaboration with Liquid Comics [coincidentally a company co-founded by his son Gotham] and Dynamite Entertainment.

The 160-page, hardcover graphic novel will be available in bookstores across the US on December 14 with a digital Apple iPad version also available before the end of the year, Liquid Comics announced Monday.

"Buddha's story from shedding his royal robes to taking on his monastic ones, from abandoning the false promises of materialism to understanding the truth that lurks in self-understanding, is one of the most powerful and insightful stories human civilization has ever known," said Deepak Chopra.

[He has no financial interest in promoting the false promises of materialism. He's just happy] "To be able to bring that story to a whole new audience through a graphic novel retelling with the help of Josh Dysart and Dean Hyrapiet is something I am very proud of."

Deepak Chopra brings the Buddha back to life in this stunning graphic novel adaptation of his fictional look at one of the most iconic figures in philosophy and spiritualism. More>>

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