Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Jackass" star becomes a Buddhist (video)

"Jackass" star Steve-O is a Buddhist
The newly, successfully sober but still crazy stuntman Steve-O practices Nichiren Buddhism. He mentioned his conversion without going into further detail in the introduction to a new interview in the Miami New Times. Tina Turner will be overjoyed:

The best nam myoho renge kyo ever (Larry King)

Rebel Buddha: On the Road to Freedom
Wisdom Quarterly
Maybe Steve-O has been reading this new book (Shambala, $21.95)? Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche is a Seattle-based Tibetan Buddhist monk who discusses how we can eliminate fear and unhappiness by awakening the "rebel buddha" within -- the "sharp, clear intelligence that resists the status quo," according to the publisher. The Vajrayana author is the founder of Nalanda West, a Fremont center dedicated to fostering American Buddhism. DailyOM review

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