Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Seeing science through a spiritual lens

Amy Yee (Special to The Washington Post, Dec. 18, 2010)

MEETING OF MINDS: The Dalai Lama at the opening of "The World of Your Senses," part of an ongoing effort to teach science to Tibetan monks with Smithsonian help (Bryce Johnson).

NEW DELHI - The northern Indian town of Bir was greeted with an unusual sight when Scott Schmidt carried six-foot-long plywood sheets on his head through the streets. Schmidt, who develops exhibits for the Smithsonian, had retrieved the wood from the village carpenter and toted it on his head to the Buddhist institute he was visiting.

"I got impatient," said Schmidt. "I probably broke every rule of how a Westerner is supposed to act in a village in India." Schmidt was helping a group of 30 Tibetan monks plan "The World of Your Senses," a bilingual science exhibition displayed last month in New Delhi at the India Habitat Center, an arts and culture venue in India's capital. More>>

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