Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dead Sea Scrolls; One World Currency

Natalie Zutter (
Dead Sea Scrolls fragment
The Scrolls will be available in English, Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew (

Is having the Christian Bible on an iPad passé? Soon we'll be able to access a controversial document, once Google digitizes the Dead Sea Scrolls. Scholars and casual readers alike will have free, electronic access to the 2,000-year-old scrolls, which were discovered between 1946 and 1956 in the limestone caves carved into the cliffs of the wadi Qumran, on the Dead Sea.

One of the major debates surrounding the scrolls has been whether they clarify or alter tenets of Jewish history and the roots of Christianity. With the documents to be transcribed first in English and then in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek translations, new contention may arise surrounding whether digitizing a holy document robs it of its sacred nature. Source

Around the time of the iPad's arrival, blogger Cliff Holmes posted an interesting editorial to The Gospel Blog about his electronic interaction with the Bible and how his sons will probably never carry a Bible to Church. He discusses how readers will likely trade the tangible experience for a more nuanced [presentation] of the stories contained in it:

"The iPad and other digital devices have the potential to turn reading the Bible into an interactive [multimedia] experience. Imagine reading one of the Gospels and having the ability to see and hear an illustration of John baptizing Jesus or Jesus hanging on the cross. In my opinion that is much better than reading printed words on a page."

One World Currency?

This TruNews radio broadcast centers on Christian "conspiracy theory" talk about the coming New World Order and the monetary change over. Contact with extraterrestrial sources is contextualized in Christian terms:

If a contactee states he is literally in touch with the "holy spirit" -- or the "lord," a messenger ("angel"), vision, dream, "God," or any other -- it is simply saying he is in contact with a source calling itself that or interpreted that way. (For example, we know a girl who gets all her information from a "little bird" talking into her ear. Impossible? It's tweeted to her by iPhone when she logs on Twitter).

One need not buy into Christian lore to consider the validity of the information itself. It is unsolicited. In fact, everything being said seems to be planted by the secret sources they reference. If one dismisses the information because they are misnaming or misunderstanding sources, it will all sound like nonsense. But if one can get past the Biblical language, mythology, and pomposity, there is something here to consider.

What is being planned in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs)? What programs are conceived, launched, and conducted from safe zones? We go so far as to say: Nothing happening to the world economy, American dollar, and Euro is unplanned. People scoff, "Why would we do this to ourselves, our economy?" Who? If one believes that all Americans work only for Americans -- that no one feels above it or more dedicated to corporation industry or the military -- then it's impossible. It can't be happening. But inner-group identity trumps nationality. Why would "we" spray ChemTrails?

New World Order

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