Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jews today are not the Bible's Jews (UCLA)

Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean
A lecture by Basem Ra'ad, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem

Today, 1/11/11, 3-5 PM
Free, Open to Public
UCLA, 10383 Bunche Hall

“A study in deep time, wide space...an anthropology of the present” is how Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak describes this book. Hilton Obenzinger calls it “a brilliant tour de force of recovery, decolonization, re-vision, and inclusivity,” while Naseer Aruri considers it “the first corrective history of Palestine, its people, its region, and its culture.”

Its contents offer alternative understandings of what is commonly called "the Middle East" or the "cradle of civilization" -- a region associated with "Holy Land" and, as such, appropriated time and again by three [Abrahamic] religions.

Its chapters discuss a range of issues including constructs and terminologies over the centuries, the development of religions, exploitation of sacred sites, ancient/modern place names, the alphabet, Ugarit, identity, appropriation, "self-colonization," and heritage retrieval. Book review

Following the presentation, discussion will concentrate on topics of interest to the audience. Copies of the book may be available for signing by the author. UCLA Int'l Inst. calendar

Basem L. Ra’ad is a Professor at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem. Born in Jerusalem, he received his education in Jordan, Lebanon, the U.S., and Canada, earning a Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in 1978. He has been an editor and community organizer and has taught in Canada, Bahrain, Lebanon, and Palestine.

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