Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sex Sells (PETA and MTV's "Skins")

PETA wants to sponsor MTV's controversial teen sex romp "Skins"

PETA has reportedly offered to sponsor MTV's controversial new show "Skins." Six companies have recently pulled their advertising from the series after the Parents Television Council called for a federal investigation into allegations that it breaks child pornography laws. However, The Hollywood Reporter says that PETA has now offered to air a 30-second commercial during the show. [Better to show skin than wear skins.] More>>

Wisdom Quarterly (COMMMENTARY)
Amber Dorrian
I remember a generation ago, the good ol' days, when you could find educational shows on MTV like "Undressed." No controvery, no such thing as high school sex, drugs, and rockin' techno. But back then Raves were a big thing as was experimentation.

Nowadays, "lesbian chic" is a fashion statement and PETA has much better ad campaigns. I think it's brave that they want to show skin to support "Skins" to turn public opinion against the cruel use of animal skins for fashion. (What a clown P. Diddy Puff Daddy Sean PP Combs was to promote fur).

What does anyone expect from MTV, the people who bring us "Jersey Shore"? It's all about ratings and money, not health and spiritual uplift. Any network that promotes "Cribs," crass commercialism, and annual Spring Break fantasies has to outdo itself somehow. Anyway "Skins" -- like "The Office" and "Survivor" and other big hits -- is just a copy of British program.

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