Thursday, February 3, 2011

CIA's Secretary of War to run for President?

CIA's Gates hopes effort to draft him for president "fails miserably"
Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS)
Robert Gates, former CIA director and current US Secretary of War, says he hopes the push to have him run for president fails.

What would be the purpose of Republicans running Gates against Pres. Barack Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro), who is a shoo-in after serving with distinction that makes even the Bush Dynasty proud as he promotes their policies as planned?

Candidate Gates can serve as a straw man pulling the election conversation to the right. This moving of what is considered the "center" by pulling in one direction is a longstanding tactic in Republican politics.

Do people remember Bob Dole who served a more useful purpose than winning by pulling Bill Clinton to the right to maintain his "moderate" (by comparison) position?

Likewise Secretary of War Gates -- by promoting extreme Republican views, maybe conceding a little on social issues so as not to appear to be so much of a company man -- would pull Obama farther to the right on "defense" and our debt-economy.

Then, as anyone can see, he would not have to "win" to prove useful to the powers that be.

If he did win, he would eerily be following a successful track set by George Bush Sr., who also went from the US military (both Air Force), to the CIA (both former directors), to executive positions in the White House, and finally to the presidency.

If he did win, hooray for the neo National Socialist party, who always prefers straight dictatorial power to the tact and "diplomacy" Mr. Clinton and Obama are so good at.

Why would Gates not want to do it? That is easy to understand: It is actually a step down to become "leader of the free world" when there's so much more money, information, and power (although far less national prestige) in the shadow government and the well paid military-industrial complex corporate world.

Pres. Bill Clinton -- who served as the face of power while constantly being kept in the dark -- said it best when he joked about life in the White House: "I don't know whether it's the finest public housing in America or the crown jewel of the federal prison system."

The funny thing about Obama

The eerie similarity is that George Bush Jr. and Dick Cheney did not have the legal right to run or become heads of state because they were from the same state. It violates the United States Constitution (Amendment XII). But by stating otherwise, and concealing an illegal abortion Bush hypocritically once paid for, rigging votes, tampering with the count, and denying Al Gore due process in court, Bush was (s)elected.

Why then should Obama's Indonesian citizenship stand in the way?

Barry Hussein is a great orator, a great American, a Christian convert, and a well loved figure compared to the dismal tyranny of Bush and Dick (and Colon Powell). And he has a promising future as the first head of the One World Government, if such a plan succeeds.

Imagine it. He's Christian, and he's Muslim. He's black, and he's white. He is intelligent, he can speak, he can sympathize, and yet he reads all the rhetoric on the teleprompter with earnestness and conviction. What more do we want from a figurehead?

The New World Order needs new world leaders. Vice Pres. Dick Cheney had his chance to become our dictator -- both pulling the strings and providing the face of power -- but failed. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was so frustrated by Pres. Bill's powerlessness that she became determined to one day get the job.

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