Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thailand monks and stomach problems

Saluting a pillar of Buddhism
For decades, Ven. Phra Brahmagunabhorn has offered a guiding light to Thai society through his writings on Theravada Buddhism.

Although not in the best of health, Ven. Phra Brahmagunabhorn (P.A. Payutto) continues to write whenever he can summon up the energy, intent on pressing on with a mission that has consumed many years of his life: propagating a clearer understanding of the Buddha's teachings and of how followers can better integrate these into their daily lives.

For three months now, this revered intellectual, whom devout Thais usually address as Than Chao Khun Prayudh, has been afflicted with a severe stomach-related ailment.

Doctors have so far been unable to come up with a definitive diagnosis. The elderly monk is receiving treatment for his symptoms but his stamina has suffered and he apparently finds it difficult to concentrate on his writing projects. Still, whenever he's having a good period he resumes the task and can often be found working at odd hours like 10:00 pm or 2:00 in the morning.

During a recent two-day conference at Thammasat University, the deputy abbot of Wat Nyanavesakavan revealed how his superior has been coping with his condition.

''The sickness aside, he has a strong sense of determination to carry on his work,'' said Phra Khru Palad Suwattanaphrommakhun. ''There are so many things he would like to do. He said he does not have much time, so he'd better work against [with] the time he has.'' More>>

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