Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wis. Gov. phone pranked by journalist (listen)

Michael Calderone (Feb. 23, 2011)

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker had a 20-minute chat with David Koch, the billionaire financier and backer of conservative causes. Or so he thought. Walker was actually talking to Ian Murphy, a journalist and editor of the Buffalo, New York altweekly Buffalo Beast. On Wednesday [Feb. 22], Murphy published the phone call, in which Walker speaks at length about his ongoing battle with unions... During the call, Walker said that he recently spoke to state Senator Tim Cullen, a "reasonable" Democrat who might be able to influence his colleagues in the Democratic caucus -- who fled the capital so as to block a vote on Walker's plan -- to return to the state for a vote. Walker also said the Wisconsin attorney general's office is looking into possible ethics violations against Democratic state senators in the event that unions are paying for any of their food and lodging... Listen to the actual two-part conversation. More>>

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