Sunday, March 20, 2011

Anti-War Protests (San Francisco, Hollywood)

Wisdom Quarterly

SAN FRANCISCO, California () - On March 19, 2011 the people of Northern California as well as UC Berkeley and UCSF students braved the rain to peacefully protest US aggression abroad. On the same day, the US bullied and maneuvered the UN into yet another costly (but backhandedly profitable) war. Now the pretext is "humanitarian" concern for foreigners being killed by another dictator we propped up, armed, and financially supported.

It's a selective concern for others. Of all the human rights abuses going on, how is it we have to help Libya but not other oppressed people? It's not help we are there to offer but our own strategic interests. Anti-war protests are more important than ever with the US now engaged on FIVE fronts none of them declared as our federal constitution mandates. But never mind that. And never mind the war the US is waging against truth by torturing Bradley Manning undermining WikiLeak's co-founder Julian Assange.

These acts of empire-building are simply called conflicts, temporary invasions or surges, "anti-terrorist crusades" that just happen to employ terrorist tactics specifically targeting civilian populations (that Manning so famously revealed) and infrastructure by design (not as collateral damage) because how does one distinguish combatants from noncombatants? After all, the US is not fighting against a regular standing army.

It is simply subjugating independent nations and killing people it will later label "militants," "terrorists," or "enemy combatants," later as in when they're too dead to prove otherwise. Although these acts of US aggression are not declared wars, they are rubber stamped after the fact by congressional representatives terrified by even the possibility of being portrayed "unpatriotic."
  • The next NoCal protest is in Dolores Park on April 10, 2011.

LOS ANGELES - () Thousands gathered in Hollywood to protest the US wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya, and on truth. This date marks the 8th anniversary of the US war on Iraq. While no protester had any idea when this date was chosen, it also happened to be the first day the Pentagon chose to start another war with air strikes on Libya killing the very civilians we are told we are there to protect. This scene is from the tail end of the protest as it passes the CNN building on Sunset Blvd. In this video are protestors from various groups, including Koreans Against War, 9-11 Truth Movement, Spanish groups, Buddhists for Peace, Native Americans, Veterans for Peace, and others. More>>

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