Saturday, March 12, 2011

Free Buddhist Retreat Day (Pasadena)

Wisdom Quarterly

Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara's Sri Lankan Buddhist celebration (WQ)

PROGRAM (Sunday, 3-13-2011, 8:45 am - 4:30 pm)
8:45-9:15: Introduction, Eight Precepts (Ven. Dhammapeethi)
9:15-9:30: Devotions and offerings to the Buddha
9:30-09:35: TEA BREAK
9:35-11:00: Instructions for meditation (Ven. Chandananda)
11:00-11:15: Devotions and offerings to the Buddha
11:15-12:00: LUNCH (dana)
12:00-12:30: RECESS
12:30-1:00: Protective chants (Pirith)
1.00-2:00: DHARMA FORUM (English)
(Ven. Lakkhana and Ven. Chandananda)
(Questions initiate lively Darma discussion)

2:00-3:00: Dharma sermon (Sinhalese) (Ven. Dhammapeethi)
3:00-3:15: TEA BREAK
3:15-4:15: Meditation practice (English) (Ven. Chandananda)
4:15-4:30: Concluding of Eight Precepts, renewal of Five Precepts, sharing of merits (punyanu modana), conclusion
May all beings have happy minds!

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