Monday, March 7, 2011

The Happiest Man in America named

No, it's not Charlie, who has bigger things to worry about than awards (

Researchers claim to have found the happiest man in America. His name is Alvin Wong, a 65-year-old, married, Chinese-American, Kosher-observing Jew who lives in Hawaii.

The Real Happiest Man in America
The Telegraph
Mr. Wong was contacted after three years of a Gallup Well-Being Index survey asking Americans about their emotional status, job satisfaction, diet, health, stress levels, and other indicators. His characteristics and profile matched a statistical composite for the happiest person in America. What is happiness in the US?

Alvin, Mr. Happy America, pictured here alongside his interracial wife, Trudy

He was found through a synagogue in Honolulu, the capital city of Hawaii, the happiest state in the country to live [until you visit after which you realize it is a crime ridden monstrosity of a city, owned mostly by the U.S. military].

Other attributes that contributed to Alvin topping the index were his height (5'10"), age (65), and wealth (he earns $120,000 a year running his own health company business). He told the [unbiased, paper of record] New York Times: "My life philosophy is, if you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to be pretty terrible for you."

Other US states with a high wellbeing index are situated in the west and known for their manageable cities, outdoor life, and spectacular scenery. The next four after Hawaii were Wyoming, North Dakota, Alaska, and Colorado. More>>

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