Saturday, March 26, 2011

Signs of the Apocalypse: TV's Sarah Palin

Eudai Monia, Wisdom Quarterly: Signs of the (next) Apocalypse

Does anyone remember that uniquely American political phenomenon Sarah Palin? Of course we do, but we have been hearing and seeing much less of her lately. And no wonder... A WP/ABC News poll a week ago found that her approval ratings among Republicans had plunged. The numbers of Republicans who are "strongly unfavorable" towards her have risen dramatically, prompting commentators to write of presidential bid "imploding." [Of course, she is "touring" India and Israel to get her ratings up.] More>>

Black, mocked for "Friday," laughs all the way to the bank

Everyone Loves You When You're Dead is expert interviewer Neil Strauss' new book. Even the plants are screaming "sex!" According to Strauss, Lady Gaga experienced childhood sexual trauma and loves MDMA and E. This explains her video art, costumes, and music. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Paris Hilton, too. [Judging by their acting out, it seems Lindsay Lohan, with her hardscrabble upbringing by a dad who can't manage anger or contain his domestic abuse, along with Katy Perry, Rihanna, and Beyonce would also benefit from SIA and SASH.] And the world resonates with them for a reason. Is it any wonder the plant world is producing erotic anomalies?

Mormons understand the "heaven" (Kolob) The creators of "South Park" have a new musical all about Mormonism and Kolob. What's Kolob? Just as the Egyptians had creation gods, Kolob is a planet described in Mormon scripture as the planet where God lives. It's not known to astronomy. But in the Book of Abraham, a work published by Mormon founder Joseph Smith Jr. from his translation of an Egyptian original, Kolob is the heavenly body nearest to the throne or residence of the "God." While it is called a "star," stars in Mormonism also refer to planets, and therefore many consider Kolob a planet. Embarrassed Mormons consider Kolob a Christian metaphor. A literal interpretation makes more sense: "God" came to Earth by mind or craft to stir up a following. This is exactly in accordance with the Hindu and Buddhist conception of devas who live on other planets and other dimensions.

2012 means global change, and "time" is central. What's happening to the climate and environment while our government provokes war around the world? When we promote consumerism and conspicuous consumption, that has a profound impact on pollution levels and the aspirations of people everywhere. We can hardly affect a government of corporations by corporations by corporations -- the best government money can buy. But we can influence how other nations and citizens see us as apart from the government that represents us (not in a representative sense, just as an ambassador of war and hegemony). If we are the best, it has to be in spite of our military-industrial complex and its lipservicers.

AOL's Huffington Post to launch in UK this summer Tabloid TMZ-meets-Ariana Huffington's store of profitable karma. She has the Midas touch without knowing where it's coming from. It's not all to be seen here and now. But there and then merit was stored up and has fortuitously come to fruition to enable her in any endeavor she should apply herself to. Will it be enlightenment and spiritual advancement... or just getting rich again? The choice is hers or anyone who engages in acts of merit (punya) if only they were patient.

Secrets To Longevity: It's Not All About Broccoli LISTEN: To live a long life, we've been told, eat well, exercise, and manage stress. Now an eight-decade study indicates that advice is only part of the equation. Psychologists Howard Friedman and Leslie Martin explain how social connections, personality, and marriage affect our lives in "The Longevity Project."

Remembering Japan -- Los Angeles has a "Little Tokyo." And it has an authentic Buddhist temple, Nishi Hongwangji, engaged in spiritual and philanthropic endeavors to help alleviate the island's suffering. What was once an economic powerhouse was taken down. And everyone will feel the effect of it in electronic consumer goods, radioactive fallout, and the "ghosts" (pretas) of those who died so suddenly and violently if they are neglected.

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