Tuesday, April 12, 2011

California's "Woodstock" (Coachella 2011)

There's nothing better than a modern hippie fest. But a corporate rave on a manicured lawn in California's freezing desert with lots of police surveillance? It's not everyone's idea of a good time. (To Rave or Not to Rave?) There will be so much "security" (read police interference) this year that the long line of cars on the two-hour wait before entering the parking lot/dusty field could become traffic ticket central. (How many people are going to drive out to Indio to contest any citation?) Wisdom Quarterly speaks to Dev -- meditator, artist, former-cybernaut -- who will lead us into the wilderness this weekend, Friday April 15-17.

Coachella crowd bordering on heat exhaustion (dippedincream.com)

WQ: Why are we going to Coachella? It's bound to be all cops and controlled with nothing spontaneous.
DEV: People will be walking funny this year, that's for sure. Packing recreationals where they were never meant to be packed to avoid being cited. Living in tents...
WQ: LOL. Is there any chance of a completely clean and straight edge concert experience?
DEV: Sure, it's always possible, not likely, but possible. Coachella is about trying to live up to the legend of Woodstock, not MTV Woodstock, but the 60's ideal of peace, love, and happiness. Freedom of expression! If we all get in since not everyone has tickets and it's sold out.
WQ: Since when did a lack of presale tickets ever stop anyone from getting into any concert? That's easy! One just has to think clearly, and not everyone there is able to. You're high on life, right?
DEV: Me? Yes!
WQ: So there's no need to get any higher than that and dehydrate?
DEV: Me? No, no need.

WQ: What's the music like this year, which seems to be moving from rock to pop?

DEV: We're there to see Cee Lo Green, Chemical Brothers, Arcade Fire, Strokes... As for actual hard rock music, the following week has the Big Four death metal concert at the same place, the Empire Polo Club grounds.
WQ: Ooh, will Cee Lo be bringing Gwyneth Paltrow on stage? Because if he doesn't Slayer is going to have to the following week. One way or another, she's going to light up that stage.

Psychedelic Bodhisattva, Goddess of Compassion (-william/Flickr.com)

DEV: I don't know how this year sold out without her. But the Buddhist events will be interesting.

WQ: Buddhist events?
DEV: We are going to hold a Kwan Yin (Mother Earth) meditation to abate violence, radiation, and negative energy.
WQ: The best "protest" is a peaceful demonstration, right?
DEV: Yes, we believe in attraction rather than promotion. So we model it, make an example.
WQ: What's the example?
DEV: Sitting in silence, cultivating the heart/mind. Be joyful for the sake of joy. People do a lot of things to be happy instead of being happy. Relax is a better way of saying "Don't panic." Now, how does one sit still and let go in a maddening crowd? In the same way one does it in a room full of placid meditators. It's easier here, like falling back into a soft sofa but keeping attention rather than blanking out. The spine stays straight, a smile overtakes the face, and a lush natural breath is all there is. It's bliss. If you're attending, come by the mist-showers. They do it in Australia.

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