Thursday, April 7, 2011

Edgar Cayce: Future Prophecies (video)

(Edgar Cayce TV) Edgar Cayce's more than 14,000 readings contain several that prophesy major physical changes to planet Earth. There is weight to his future prophecies because many of his "prophecies" about the past have been proven true. While he lived, he looked into the past and spoke of it in ways no one understood. Later, after his death, science caught up to what he had been saying -- information which is unthinkable at the time. Cover ups in Egypt do not disprove Cayce's revelations, but rather for transparent investigation. With the recent ouster of Hosni Mubarak during the historic Egyptian uprisings, calls have grown louder for the ouster of Egypt's megalomaniacal chief of antiquities Zahi Hawass. When his tyrannical hold over the vast field of Egyptian archeology is broken, a fairer system of independent investigators and peer reviewers may be able to reveal the secrets Hawass has been keeping from the world.

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