Friday, April 15, 2011

Presidential "Chemtrail Budget" Uncovered

Shepard Ambellas and Avalon (The Intel Hub, March 30, 2011)

(The Intel Hub) Geoengineering has now been defined as: “the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change.” – The Royal Society 2009

Recently, the question has been asked, What in the world are they spraying? The documentary with the same name answers many of those questions. The question the world is now asking is “Who in the world is spraying us?”

A recent report by CBS Atlanta detailed how some local citizens are outraged that such “crimes against humanity” are being carried out right before our eyes in secret. In the report Sen. Johnny Isakson was interviewed on the subject of chemtrails saying quote: “That is a theory that some people have, but there is no evidence this is happening. This is not happening.”

It looks as if members of the government’s upper echelon and even members of the Senate will go to extreme lengths... they signed off on the multi-billion dollar per year budgets in an economic crisis, with little to no transparency to the public.

In regards to aerosol spraying into the earth’s atmosphere, a recent update to data assembled by The Carnicom Institute reveals the chemicals used and their respective levels of concentration. The toxic levels that are being used in these aerosols goes beyond shocking – it would appear that these levels are indeed criminal by EPA Standards. An Updated Look at Aerosol Toxins – Part 1... More

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