Sunday, May 1, 2011

Obama, the Great [R]eader

Obama, a Great Leader?

A great teleprompter reader, yes. An actual leader, not so much. Obama TV party? Serious fans of the Colbert Report and Daily Show were reduced to watching CSPAN for jokes delivered by a standing president? It makes sense because, as we are often forced to point out: "The President of the Universe's job is not to wield power, but to distract attention away from it" (Douglas Adams).
  • Millions in the United States are still convinced their president is a fraud -- and not even a true American
(Daily Mail) Just a few steps from the authoritative hush of the Oval Office lies a series of rooms bustling with frenetic activity. The sharp-suited men and women who work there command the most sophisticated news-gathering technology on the planet. At a moment's notice, they can summon the world's press to the West Wing, command front-page headlines, or interrupt regular TV programming.

The officials in the press center of the White House like to say that they are the president's last line of defense -- and they probably believe it. Certainly it can claim to be the most powerful media-affairs office on the planet.

Right now, though, its embattled occupants might be praying for cruder forms of protection -- landmines and barbed wire, say:
NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN: The president must be a "natural born Citizen." To be a “natural born Citizen,” both U.S. place of birth (or its equivalent) and two U.S. citizen parents at the time of birth are needed. These birth circumstances produce sole allegiance and unity of citizenship at birth, a natural condition that the Founders and Framers wanted in future presidents and commanders in chief.

It is only this natural condition that excludes all foreign allegiance and includes loyalty and attachment only to the U.S. at the time of birth. Such a condition allows a child to be born with no foreign allegiance and with loyalty and attachment only to the country of his or her parents.

If one of the parents is not a U.S. citizen, then the child will inherit from the non-U.S. citizen parent by jus sanguinis a foreign allegiance which will prevent the child from being a “natural born Citizen.” Obama is not a "natural born Citizen" because he was born to a non-U.S. citizen father. He is not eligible. - Mario Apuzzo, Esq., New Jersey, USA , 5/01/11

WARMONGER: After being deceived by Blair and Bush, who told you lies to justify the Iraq War, why would you accept a computer file copy of a supposed "birth certificate" from a politician, who has spent significant money over the past 3 years to prevent its release?

Come on now, you must be objective and demonstrate a modicum of skepticism here. There is ample evidence to suggest that there are major anomalies and "red flags" in the "birth certificate" file.

Do a YouTube search for "birth certificate fake" and you will see dozens of videos (many done by computer design professionals) demonstrating the glaring anomalies. But don't take their word for it. Have the officially released file analyzed by any court-approved, professional, forensic document-analysis company and let them render an authoritative, objective, 3rd party opinion.

Then publish those findings. You will have a publishable story in either case (fake or real). Why not do this? Cost is less than 500 quid. - John, New York, USA, 4/30/11 More

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